
Hi there Beauty Squad! Welcome to Beauty Buttah Skincare! This exciting journey began as a simple thought 7 years ago when I began my natural hair journey. Finding what worked best for my 4C curls was quite the adventure!! I was also a vegetarian which stirred up the curiosity in me-and so the journey began! When I got tired of constantly having dry, cracked & peeling skin after spending tons of dollars on expensive store commercial products that's when I began my creatives in the -of course-kitchen! The creative name (previously Booty Buttah Skincare) came up for the many reasons, but especially to heal the dry skin in the special places I needed the most moisture-MY CURVES! That's it, nothing more, nothing less. I hope you enjoy my high quality, hand-crafted products made with LOVE+SOUL. Stay tuned and stay UP with Me!

